AIDA Feis Registration

The AIDA Inc. website now takes all dancer registrations online. To register your child to compete in 2017 please follow the instructions below:

  1. Follow link to register for an AIDA Inc account:
  2. Select “Create new account” 
  3. Register for AIDA Inc account - enter a username, email address, select dance school and      choose to register as dancer (18+) or parent
  4. Wait for confirmation of membership via email from webmaster
  5. Follow link in confirmation email to set password and access home page
  6. Select “Register a new dancer” on home page and fill out dancer details
  7. If dancer is registering for the first time, proof of age will be required
  8. Pay registration fee via direct deposit to the AIDA WA account (details on registration page)
  9. Attach proof of payment (screenshot/photo of receipt)
  10. Parent and dancer must tick that they have read the Dancer’s Code of Conduct
  11. “Save”
  12. Registrations are not valid until paid and verified by an administrator. You will receive an email once approved

If you have any issues with the registration process please let me know and I will try and assist as best I can.

If your child has never competed before, please see me before completing the online registration.


Siobhan Collis